This post’ll finish up our California trip. For the rest of the week, read part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4!
Since this one is covering multiple days again, I’ll try to keep things brief. The last few days of the vacation were pretty quiet, since we were wiped out from several pretty long days, so there won’t be much to talk about anyways!
We spent Friday driving back from Anaheim. Since we took the scenic route on the way down, we took a much more direct route back. Which meant we didn’t have to get up super early after spending all day in Disneyland! We did get to see Los Angeles in the daylight though, which was kind of cool. Didn’t get out to explore, though.

On Saturday morning, we met up with the couple we’d hiked with a few days before and had brunch. Very couple-y thing to do — it was awesome. That afternoon, after Corey cleaned out his truck, we headed into San Jose and found a couple local tourist-y things to explore. The Egyptian museum’s grounds were absolutely gorgeous, and so was the rose garden we found 🙂

Sunday was a pretty lazy day. We met up with some friends of Corey’s for lunch at Panera and headed out to Cupertino. When in Silicon Valley, you have to go visit the Apple campus, right?

We spent the rest of the afternoon doing laundry and sorting through pictures. Had to get them somewhat organized before I left! I flew home on Monday, and went back to work on Tuesday. As usual, the vacation wasn’t nearly long enough. We could’ve easily filled another few weeks with different adventures. And that much more time together would’ve been a huge bonus! But, alas, the real world beckoned us both. So we went home and started counting down the days till we saw each other again!
Next time we chat, I’ll tell y’all about my California weekend!
Till then,
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